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Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

Starting a small business is a big risk in many ways. It’s easy to get fixated on the financial risks, but you also open yourself up to all kinds of legal liabilities. It’s important to make sure that you protect yourself personally, and your business as an entity. You should start by retaining an experienced business lawyer. My blog is here to help small business owners learn about the different legal issues they may face. Learn about employee rights, your environmental responsibilities, and your property liability, among other things. If you’re legally protected, your chances of staying in business for a long time go way up.

Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

    Understanding Actual Possession And Constructive Possession: How To Avoid Potential Trouble With The Law Over Illegal Drugs

    Possession of a controlled substance is a common criminal drug charge; unfortunately, this charge, and sometimes a subsequent conviction, is often a consequence of not understanding the law. No one in the criminal justice system is immune from this confusion: police, attorneys, juries and even judges are all capable of getting this issue wrong. That is why it is so important for you to gain a personal awareness of the principles of criminal possession and what you can do to protect yourself should you be accused.

    What Happens After A Judgment Is Levied Against You?

    If you've been involved in an auto or motorcycle accident and a court has deemed you at fault in the accident, you're likely now facing a judgment for some hefty medical bills -- as well as your own legal fees. What happens after a judgment is entered against you? What can you do if you can't afford to pay this judgment? Read on to learn more about the garnishment and levy process when it comes to personal injury claims.

    Considering Divorce? Legal Separation Can Ease The Process Greatly

    When you're trying to figure out the best solution for your marriage, outright divorce may seem like the nuclear option. Fortunately, if you're not sure about divorcing your spouse or the process seems like too much at once, you do have an alternative that provides you with a similar set of experiences and solutions: legal separation. If you're unfamiliar with legal separation, you may be missing out on an excellent way to smooth the transition from marriage to divorce or give yourself and your spouse more time to patch up the marriage.

    How Your Homeowner's Insurance Protects You During Negligent Accidents Away From Home

    Being involved in an accident is always a complex, time-consuming and stress-filled affair. Accidentally injuring someone or damaging their property adds even more stress, given that it could put your finances and livelihood at stake. Fortunately, there is plenty of help for dealing with accidents that occur well away from home and it comes from an unexpected source — your homeowner's insurance policy. The following explains how the policy that protects your home from unforeseen circumstances can also protect you in the event of a claim filed against you.

    4 Most Common Injuries After Being Rear Ended

    Rear end collisions, when the front of another car collides into the back of your car, are reported by the National Transportation Safety Board to account for 28% of all highway accidents--making them one of the most common type of car crashes. Often in a rear end collision, the damage to either your car or yourself may seem minimal, making you and the other driver think there is no need to exchange insurance information.

    How Does Child Support Income Affect A Person's Financial Situations?

    Child support is something a court often orders a non-custodial parent to pay to a custodial parent to help support their mutual children. While this income can make a big difference for the parent that is raising the kids, this income can affect the custodial parent in other ways. If you just started receiving child support, you may wonder how this will affect some of your financial transactions, and here are several things you will want to know.