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Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

Starting a small business is a big risk in many ways. It’s easy to get fixated on the financial risks, but you also open yourself up to all kinds of legal liabilities. It’s important to make sure that you protect yourself personally, and your business as an entity. You should start by retaining an experienced business lawyer. My blog is here to help small business owners learn about the different legal issues they may face. Learn about employee rights, your environmental responsibilities, and your property liability, among other things. If you’re legally protected, your chances of staying in business for a long time go way up.

Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

    3 Costs That You Could Be Compensated For In A Wrongful Death Lawsuit

    If you have lost a spouse or other loved one too soon, then you and your family could be thinking about working with an attorney and filing a wrongful death lawsuit. If you are successful with your lawsuit, you could be compensated for a few different things. Every case is different, but these are some of the things that you could be compensated for with one of these cases. 1. Loss of Income

    Meeting With An Immigration Attorney? 3 Things To Ask During Your First Visit

    If you are visiting the USA and love the idea of staying, you might be interested in making things more permanent. Since you can't legally work without your citizenship papers, doing what you can to finalize things could help you to create a better life for you and your family. Here are three things to ask during your first visit with an immigration attorney.  1. How Can You Help?  Since all of the paperwork you need to become a permanent citizen of the United States is accessible online, you might wonder why you should work with a lawyer.

    What You Should Know About First-Time Jury Duty

    Serving on a jury is a very important part of being an American citizen. If this is your first time being summoned for jury duty, there are some important things you should know about the process. Do You Have to Go to Jury Duty? If you were served a jury subpoena, you must be at court under the law. While serving on a jury is an important part of living in this country, you also will learn how the legal system works.

    How Your Actions Before A Bankruptcy Filing Could Create Problems

    Most bankruptcy filers never give the financial decisions they make before filing any thought. Once you file, you may already know that the bankruptcy court and the trustee assigned to your case will be in charge of your financial situation. What some don't know, however, is that actions involving your personal property before you file could come under scrutiny. To understand more about what could happen with fraudulent transfers, read on.

    Here's What To Expect When Consulting With An Auto Accident Attorney

    After being injured in an auto accident, it makes sense to want compensation for the pain and suffering you experience. Hiring an auto accident attorney is the first step to take toward getting that compensation. Here's what you can expect when consulting with your lawyer for the first time. Establishing Fault One of the first things you can expect to do when consulting with an auto accident attorney is to work to establish proof of who was at fault in your accident.

    4 Things To Know When Navigating A Grey Divorce

    Ending a marriage is difficult at any age. However, ending a marriage when you are a senior can be even more challenging. It may be surprising to learn that married individuals 65 years of age and older are divorcing at an alarming rate. Known as a grey divorce, the divorce rate among these older couples has tripled since 1990. If you are an older individual planning to divorce, here are a few things to know to help you navigate a grey divorce with less stress.

    How Non-Alcohol Factors Affect Your BAC & Intoxication

    Many of the things that determine your blood alcohol content (BAC) are related to alcohol. For example, the type of alcohol, volume of alcohol, speed of drinking, and your alcohol tolerance all determine your BAC. However, many non-alcohol factors also affect your BAC. Below are some of these factors. Body Weight You have more blood, and hence water, in your body than those who weigh less than you do. The water absorbs alcohol and reduces its concentration in your body, thereby lowering your BAC.

    Ways To Avoid Going To Trial When Facing Criminal Charges

    When facing a charge for a criminal offense, you might be wondering what you can do to avoid going to trial. Having a trial is your legal right as an American, but going to trial is not always the best way to handle criminal charges. In fact, the majority of people who face criminal charges will find ways to avoid going to trial, as a trial can be lengthy and costly.