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Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

Starting a small business is a big risk in many ways. It’s easy to get fixated on the financial risks, but you also open yourself up to all kinds of legal liabilities. It’s important to make sure that you protect yourself personally, and your business as an entity. You should start by retaining an experienced business lawyer. My blog is here to help small business owners learn about the different legal issues they may face. Learn about employee rights, your environmental responsibilities, and your property liability, among other things. If you’re legally protected, your chances of staying in business for a long time go way up.

Protecting Your Business Interests Legally

    Do You Suffer From A Slow-To-Show Or A Sudden Work Injury?

    Slow-to-show injuries and sudden accidental injuries differ in terms of their onset, manifestation, and timeline of symptoms. Here are some key distinctions between these two types of work injuries.  Onset and Manifestation Slow-to-show injuries: These injuries typically develop gradually over time due to repetitive strain, overuse, or exposure to occupational hazards. Examples include cumulative trauma disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or occupational hearing loss. Sudden accidental injuries: These injuries occur because of a specific incident or accident that happens suddenly and unexpectedly.

    When Your Employer Refuses To Go Along With A Workers' Comp Insurance Claim

    Coping with an uncooperative employer after a work injury can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to protect your rights and ensure proper treatment.  Suggestions for Coping with an Employer  Document everything: Keep a detailed record of the injury, including the date, time, location, and circumstances. Document any conversations or interactions with your employer regarding the injury, such as discussions about medical treatment, work restrictions, or accommodations.

    Have You Invented Something? A Few Times To Hire A Patent Lawyer

    If you are an inventor or business owner, it is important to understand when you may need to consult with a patent lawyer. Patent law is complex, and it can be challenging to navigate without the help of an experienced attorney. Here are four situations when you may need to hire a patent lawyer: Filing a Patent Application If you have invented something new, useful, and non-obvious, you may want to consider filing a patent application to protect your invention.

    Denied Disability Claims: What To Do Next And How An Attorney Can Help

    If you have received a denial of your disability claim, it can be disheartening. However, it's essential to remember that you have options available to you. The best way to increase your likelihood of getting approved for disability benefits is by hiring an experienced disability claims attorney. This blog post will discuss what to do after a denial and how an attorney can help. Understand Why Your Claim Was Denied

    What Happens When Your Injury Costs Exceed Your PIP Insurance Coverage?

    In many states, the amount of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance you can get is abysmally low, sometimes as little as $3,000 per person. If your accident was anything more than a fender bender, the cost of treating your injuries can easily exceed what your policy will pay. Here's what happens when you hit the limit on your PIP coverage and how you can ensure you are fully compensated for your losses.

    5 Instances Businesses Really Need To Hire A Tax Attorney

    No business can survive without proper taxation planning and compliance. Taxes are an inevitable part of any business, large or small. Businesses must comply with a myriad of federal, state, and local regulations to remain in good standing with the IRS. As such, investing in the expertise of a tax attorney is one way to ensure that all financial requirements are properly met throughout the year. This article will discuss five instances when businesses should bring on a tax attorney for their services.

    Should You Move Before Filing Bankruptcy? 5 Factors To Consider

    Financial problems can happen at any time, and they rarely occur when it's convenient. If you're contemplating a big move while simultaneously struggling with possible bankruptcy, you face two major life challenges at once. Which should you tackle first? Should you move, then declare bankruptcy? Or file for bankruptcy protection before moving? The answer depends on several factors. Here's what you need to know about each.  1. Jurisdiction. Each state sets its own rules regarding bankruptcy elements.

    3 Things To Consider When Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

    If you are looking to hire a personal injury attorney, it's crucial to find the best fit for your case. Personal injury law can be complicated, so you want to hire an attorney with the necessary skills and experience. Many situations may fall under the umbrella of personal injury, and you want to hire an attorney with experience in similar cases. Here's what to consider when searching for a personal injury attorney.